The Final Report
Following months of collaboration, discussions, and the dedicated efforts of 13 Ways Inc., the GDBP is thrilled to unveil our comprehensive visioning document it is a guiding roadmap for the entire district. This document is our unique playbook. It was created with the involvement of so many and is a testament to our shared vision for community growth, our diverse needs, and shared ambitions as a community.
We take pride in presenting it to you, and we are excited to join forces as a community to get started on the various actions. We invite you to explore the document and to actively participate in future upcoming community initiatives.
What’s New?
Here at the GDBP, we are proud to not only present and promote what endeavours we are working on, but also what other organizations in the area may pursue.
Shiretown/Waterfront Revitalization Plan Survey
This survey will help establish the priorities of the development, economic growth, cultural heritage, and future improvements to the core and waterfront.
Employment Opportunity: Newcomers Coordinator
The GDBP is seeking a part-time, Newcomers Coordinator for a 1-year term (with a 6-month probationary period).
Shiretown/Waterfront Re-envisioning Open House, September 17th
Shiretown / Waterfront Public Open House hosted by Fathom Studios at the Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex.
The Guysborough District Business Partnership is a newly commissioned non-profit organization whose primary focus is to enrich communities and develop relationships in three main areas: small business, tourism and community development.
The GDBP has one overall priority to advance;
and that is growth.
Our Board
Alison Myers: President • Owner/Operator, Guysborough Pharmachoice
Keri Roberts: Vice President • Co-Owner/Operator Grant’s Heavy Equipment Ltd.
Ann Marie Bagnall: Secretary Treasurer • Co-Owner/Operator, Seawind Landing Country Inn
Fraser Cook: Owner/Operator, Cook’s Gas Bar, Robin’s Donuts Guysborough
Tera Dorrington: Vice Principal, Chedabucto Education Center Guysborough Academy
Michael Feltmate: President, East Coast Hydraulics
Michael Peters: President, Chedabucto Homes Ltd.
Guysborough District Business Partnership
143 Main Street
PO Box 9
Guysborough, Nova Scotia
B0H 1N0
Ashley Cunningham Avery
Executive Director
[email protected]
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