Over the summer of 2023, you may have encountered a delightful influx of welcoming kiosk-entrepreneurs at our waterfront hubs; introducing new services and infusing vibrancy into our spaces. Join us as we delve into Graeson’s perspective as he shares his insights and experiences as a seasonal business owner in MODG.
Can you tell me a little about yourself and what inspired you to start a business on the waterfront?
I’m a 16 y/o from Guysborough and I’ve lived here pretty much my whole life. I was inspired by my teacher to start the business at the waterfront when the Chair of the Waterfront Committee was at our school and talked about the opportunity.
How did you come up with the idea for this business?
When it came to starting a business at the marina, something people had always mentioned wanting in Guysborough was ice cream, and who doesn’t like ice cream? There was very little debate on what my business should be.
What important lessons have you learned from running your own business?
I learned that you should never underestimate how much work it takes to running even a small business like I had. At first, I didn’t expect there to be a lot, but I soon realized that there’s a lot of moving parts to keep track of, but managing it came with time and then things ran fluently.
Can you share a memorable interaction with a customer?
That’s tough there was so many great moments, but one that really stands out was when the owner of Dar-B-Q came over and asked what flavours I had. One flavour that almost everyone was afraid to try had black licorice in it. When I mentioned it his eyes lit up he was so happy- it ended up being his favorite! I was very happy to sell him something he loved, since his food had been keeping me going all summer!
Do you have plans to continue or expand your business next summer? If no, what would be the main reason?
Yes! I would love to continue my business and expand in any way I can! I loved the experience and it turned out to be one of the best summers I’ve had; everything from the people to the place was absolutely perfect!
How has this experience influenced your future career aspirations or educational goals?
It has definitely made me consider going into business- it was too incredible not to! It has also caused me to change up my education path in a couple of ways, getting me to try some other new things to see if they become of interest.
What advice would you give to other students who might be interested in starting their own small business in MODG?
Do it. Absolutely give it a shot you’ve got nothing to lose, save up some money to get yourself started. Make sure to choose something of interest to the people as well- go around and ask people what they would like to see- it’s a very friendly place! Also, be positive, not everything will go your way but it’ll work out if you dedicate yourself to it.
Do you feel that having the kiosks provided the help that you needed to get your business started?
Absolutely! Without them I wouldn’t have been able to get anything going as quickly as I did, I couldn’t imagine doing it somewhere else or even being able to build something like that, it would just be impossible especially at my age. It’s also very nice to have an area of your own to work in; it makes it feel a lot more home-like which makes the days go by more positively as a whole.