A Q&A with Darcey Madam of Dar-B-Q.

In the summer of 2023 we were introduced to Dar-B-Q- a smoked meat barbeque operation on the Guysborough Waterfront. Well, 2024 won’t be any different as Darcey Madam will be back to help with your summertime BBQ cravings! Have a read of what Darcy had to say about his experience operating a summer business at the waterfront.

Can you tell me a little about yourself and what inspired you to start a business on the waterfront?

Cooking has always been a passion of mine. There were several years that I fell out of cooking so to speak but I always wanted to get back to it. I have had an idea to start a food truck since graduating culinary school, but the cost was always just out of reach. Then the Kiosk opportunity came up and after a little hemming and hawing, I saw it as great way to test the waters of operating my own food business.

How did you come up with the idea for this business?

I love BBQ, like real deal, low, slow smoked meats and everything that comes with it and I saw a gap in the market throughout N.S. When I was conceptualizing a concept for the Kiosk it was not even a question of what I was going to cook but more so how to go about it.

What important lessons have you learned from running your own business?

Having cooked for years all throughout the HRM in Nursing homes and Hospitals, I had cooking in quantity down but costing and has been a big learning curve. Another lesson has been how to navigate such a small space in terms of heat regulation, storage and managing power constraints. Going into this next season I learned from last year that availability is going to be paramount.

Do you feel like there was community support for your business?

The community support has been humbling. Going into this venture blind with no idea of what to expect I have been pleasantly surprised at every turn with positive feedback and returning customers.

Can you share a memorable interaction with a customer?

There isn’t a specific moment that comes to mind. But all the interactions over the summer made a difference and gave me a chance to grow and learn what people are looking for as I move forward.

Do you have plans to continue or expand your business? If no, what would be the main reason?

I am very excited for 2024 and plan to hit the ground running this year with a much better understanding of what to expect and understanding of customer needs and wants. In the future I would still like to consider a food truck but I’m thankful for this opportunity to fine tune what that that might look like.

What advice would you give to others who are looking to start their own small business in MODG?

It’s not as daunting as one might think, I have an amazing partner to rely on who thankfully helped me immeasurably throughout the entire process, but just jump in with both feet and you’ll find its extremely rewarding. The community need for small business is huge and definitely shows with all the support I received. Don’t be afraid to call people and ask for help and information, most businesses were there once too and are invaluable contacts and resources.

Do you feel that having the kiosks provided the help that you needed to get your business started?

The kiosks definitely provided the incentive and the means for me to realize my small business goals in an effective and timely manner.

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