Guysborough District Business Partnership


Guysborough District Business Partnership


One of the Guysborough District Business Partnership’s goals is to provide a more direct focus on enhancing small business offerings and reinvigorating our local  economy.

In an effort to equip entrepreneurs with the skills and a path to create more business opportunities; the GDBP have partnered with Mashup Lab to offer training to 15 local entrepreneurs to assist them with the entry level skill development.

This program started on March 21st and will be offered over a 6 week period. Should more interest be expressed in a second round of training, it could be reoffered!

Starting a Business?

The Province of Nova Scotia has created some great free resources which can be found by clicking the link below. They are step by step, easy to read, 1-2 page guides created to walk you through from the business plan stage to offering your service or product to customers.


Guides for the following businesses are readily available:

  • Accommodation/Campground
  • Brewery
  • Construction
  • Convenience Store
  • Farm
  • Food Truck
  • Garage
  • Meat Plant
  • Restaurant
Click Here

Registry of Joint Stocks

If you’re looking to start a business or non-profit, you can also use the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies resource page. This will give you access to the registration process and anything else you may need to get started.

Click Here

Municipal Requirements

Although the Municipality of the District of Guysborough (MODG) does not issue business permits, before going ahead with opening your business, contact should be made to the Planning and Development Officer at the Municipal Office to ensure your zoning meets with the type of business you plan to operate.


*You must also ensure that your business obtains the proper permitting from the provincial body responsible.


Contact Deborah Torrey, Development Officer
email: [email protected]
(902) 533-3705 ext. 222


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