The GDBP is seeking a part-time, Newcomers Coordinator for a 1-year term (with a 6-month probationary period).
Employment Opportunity: Newcomers Coordinator
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Guysborough District Business Partnership
Here at the GDBP, we are proud to not only present and promote what endeavours we are working on, but also what other organizations in the area may pursue.
The GDBP is seeking a part-time, Newcomers Coordinator for a 1-year term (with a 6-month probationary period).
The Welcoming Committee for MODG is hosting a ‘Newcomer Networking Social’ at...
The GDBP is here to help you feel welcome no matter where you are from or what...
June 25, 2024 This June 25, the GDBP will be hosting an information session...